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JOIN A COMMITTEEASV has several committees that are comprised of ASV members that are not necessarily on the BOD. For additional information click here or send an email to [email protected]. JOIN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe Association of Shelter Veterinarians is currently seeking nominations for the ASV Board of Directors. Terms are for 3 years and run the calendar year. As an ASV Board member, you will be asked to participate in conference calls and board email correspondence throughout the year, participate in annual in-person Board meetings and ASV General Membership meetings, and contribute to committees and projects to advance the work of the ASV. This is your opportunity to help mold the future of the ASV! In-person meetings are held at the annual American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) Symposium in October each year. Travel is not provided. New board members will be invited to attend their first annual in-person board meeting in October, as non-voting participants prior to confirmation as full board members in January. The minimum requirement to serve as a board member is at least two years membership in the ASV. Previous board members are eligible to be nominated again after a period of not less than one year off the Board. Participation in ASV committee work, attendance at annual meetings, and demonstration of leadership and advocacy will be considered by the nominations committee when submitting a recommended slate of nominees to the current Board of Directors. Additional consideration will be given to other skills that nominees may possess that would benefit ASV, including financial planning, fundraising, or legal expertise. Ideally, the ASV Board includes representation from all regions of the US as well as a variety of practice areas within shelter medicine, such as animal shelters, spay/neuter clinics, public health agencies, national humane organizations, and academia, so these factors will also be considered by the nominations committee. Interested ASV members should apply via self-nomination. Nomination packages must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]. The deadline for submission is August 31. Each nomination package must include a completed nomination form, a letter of intent, and a curriculum vitae or resume (not to exceed 3 pages). Letters of recommendation or a list of references may be included at the discretion of the applicant. We hope you will consider joining us! OTHER IDEAS?ASV would like to hear your ideas on how better to advance the mission of advancing and supporting the practice of shelter medicine in order to improve community animal health and well-being. Please send your ideas to [email protected]. |