Spay/Neuter ProgramsVeterinary Task Force to Advance Spay NeuterRecognizing the importance of spay/neuter programs, ASV convened a task force to develop veterinary medical care guidelines for spay-neuter programs in 2006. These guidelines were published in JAVMA in 2008. In 2014, the ASV reconvened its task force for the purpose of updating the guidelines through review of current scientific literature. This second edition also includes general guidelines for patient care and clinical procedures as well as recommendations for operations management of high quality, high volume programs.
The updated ASV Veterinary Medical Care Guidelines for Spay-Neuter Programs are now available online (published in the July 15th issue of JAVMA).The Guidelines are published 'open access' so you can share with shelter and spay/neuter staff members and volunteers. ResourcesVeterinary Medical Care Guidelines for Spay-Neuter Programs (2016)
Veterinary Medical Care Guidelines for Spay-Neuter Programs (2008)
Disclaimer: The content of these pages do not provide veterinary medical advice. The content of this website, such as text, graphics, images, and information are for informational purposes only. The content on these pages is not intended in any way to be used as a substitute for informed problem solving and decision making within a particular shelter, practice, clinic, hospital, sanctuary, or TNR/feral operation. Rather it may be used as a guide and benchmark for particular situations within a shelter environment. Always seek the professional opinion of an informed board, veterinarian, technical, or assistant team for any medical/surgical issues. Never ignore a professional opinion because of something you have read on these pages. |